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Writer's pictureYisrael Ben Avraham


After that, He appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking along on their way to the country. They went away and reported it to the others, but they did not believe them either.  Afterward He appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had risen. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:12-15

It is Sefiret HaOmer time! This is the 49 day period between the second night of Passover and Shavuot. This period marks the beginning of the barley harvest when, in ancient times, Jews would bring the first sheaves to the Temple as a means of thanking God for the harvest. The word omer literally means “sheaf” and refers to these early offerings

The counting of omer began several weeks ago but is it important still? The answer in short - is YES! of course. Leviticus 23:15-16, speaks of it for the sons of Israel. But how is this relevant today? The Temple, the Priests and the harvest are not in operation today according to the Bible. So why bother? It is important to note that there is no out pour of the promised Holy Spirit without the count. Technically speaking in the modern sense of it all, we cannot perform the full first fruit temple ritual or count from that stand point. There is no temple standing in Jerusalem. The Levitical priesthood is non-operational. And the produce of the land has to come from the land - Israel. Practically speaking, its just not happening today. But when we spiritually enlarge the reality of this time, it's salvation at the greatest level.

The count connects Passover to what is known as "Pentecost" (GK) but it is actually a very Hebraic celebration - Shavuot; the Feasts of Weeks. When we look at things through the rich Hebrew heritage of the Bible we see so much more. In the dimension of Salvation - the RISEN Lord - Yeshua Mashiach. In these days he makes his presence known in ways that be cannot denied. We are in the season of the ONE who conquered death, hell and the grave. Scripture records multiple times his post resurrection appearances. These appearances reveal a glorious victory - the greatest demonstration of love ever. Yeshua’s resurrection was the waving of the omer, the wave sheaf. His ascension takes place 40 days later (Acts 1:3), and during this time he appeared to more than 500 people, including his disciples

"For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren" Romans 8:29

Passover removes the captivity of sin, death and the grave by bringing those that believe in the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua. And the time between then (Passover) and there (Shavuot) is the opportunity to see the revealed love in the earth. Imagine what it must have been like to see someone you love die painfully, then a few days later see them ALIVE! Think about that. How did things change for the disciples of Yeshua? The relationship they once had with him could not have been the same after he rose from the dead. Yeshua was so change that the men on the Emmaus road (Lk 24:13-35) failed to recognize him. How many of us today fail to see salvation at the level of a resurrected King? Are you now in the Lord's season looking to see what the Father is doing in the earth through the salvation you've received? Believers today take this time for granted through assumption and presumptions. But just imagine with eyes focused on seeing a salvation that is alive, full of love, power and able to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL!

Counting omer in these weeks biblically speaking is ultimately about the grain harvests and the Lord's faithfulness in the outpouring of His Spirit - (Holiness). Holy Spirit has no place to dwell when a person fails to come out from among the world and be separate into the Lord's kingdom. This forum does not give me the space nor time to really dig into the counting of omer, but there are some glaring encounters all around us, if we would just only seek after the Lord with pure heart.

We count because each day counts in the Lord's salvation. We count because every day is a day the Lord has created and we are glad and we do rejoice in it. We count because there is a throne where we are seated and settled in Him who is ALL things. We count because as blood redeemed eternal sons we love our Eternal Father and we do what we see Him doing in and through the salvation we live out of. Power is for those who have prepared in the count. As Holy Spirit continues to be poured out we must drink from the eternal well of the Lord's kingdom. This well is righteousness, joy and peace in Holy Spirit -

Count responsibly

Drink responsibly....don't think and pray...just believe and receive

...go forth

Shalom Yisrael

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May 25, 2019

To look and see through Father’s eternal love the outpour Of His Salvation♥️🙏🏾

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